The InTouch system has been introduced to ensure everyone involved in Scouting activity is aware of how communication will take place between Leaders, parents and Scouts and to provide procedures in the event of an emergency.
The Group’s activities vary from Section meetings at our Headquarters, events or visits away from HQ to camps in the UK and abroad. Different InTouch procedures are therefore appropriate according to the activity involved.
We do not permit Beavers, Cubs or Scouts to bring mobile phones to Section Meetings, events away from headquarters or to camps.
Section Meetings
The headquarters telephone number may be found in the Welcome Pack issued to you when your child joined the Group.
This number should only be used in an emergency (such as an accident at home that causes you to be unable to collect your child). Leaders may also use this phone or their mobiles to contact you. This will only be in an emergency situation or if your child becomes unwell and needs collecting early.
Events away from Headquarters
Generally events and activities away from the Headquarters will require you to sign an Activity Permission Form for your child’s involvement. These forms will be issued in advance of the event and allow you to retain part of the form with details of drop off and collection times as well as the contact details of the leader organising the event. Please only telephone the leader at an event if you have an emergency or are delayed at the collection time.
Nights Away and Camps
Communications for nights away and camps will use a ‘Home Contact’ system. The Home Contact is a third party who will be able to contact the Leaders at the camp in an emergency. The permission form will give you details of the Home Contact telephone number. Parents should only telephone the Home Contact because of an emergency.
If the Leaders at the nights away event or the camp need to contact you they will telephone the Home Contact who will then telephone you (the Home Contact will have a full list of participants and parents contact numbers).
On occasion Leaders at a camp may contact you directly by mobile phone but this is only likely to seek your agreement to a minor first aid procedure for your child (use of Elastoplast etc) or for guidance on medicines you have given to the Leader prior to the event.
At the end of camps Leaders telephone the Home Contact to advise the time of arrival back at the collection point (usually Headquarters). If there is a delay it is acceptable for you to telephone the Home Contact.
Contact Numbers
The InTouch system will only work if Leaders are provided with up to date information about how to contact you in emergency. If you change your email address, telephone, or mobile number please advise your Section Leader straight away. When you complete Activity Permission Forms please consider where you will be on the day and which is the most appropriate contact telephone number to use.